1. What did I plan to do?
I planned to teach my dog how to behave since she is just now in a crucial crazy-puppy age. She also needs to know how to behave around other dogs without disturbing anyone.

2. What did I do?
I practiced with her during the training sessions and also at home. Some of our practices were sitting down, staying in one place with the owner going away, coming to the owner when called and walking in a normal way without jumping all over the place.

3. What were the outcomes, for me, the team I was working with, and others?
I felt very satisfied since what we mainly learned was how to teach your dog properly. One needs to be very logical and consistent, otherwise the dog will get nervous and not focus on what is being taught. All of the participants enjoyed the course very much, most of them being my dog's sisters and brothers. The breeder felt very glad to keep in touch with us, the new owners of her dog's puppies, and teaching us about training dogs.

4. How did I feel?
Sometimes extremely annoyed at my dog but most of the time it was fun!

5. What did I perceive?
The most important thing is to stay coherent! Otherwise the training is like no training at all. Dogs do not think like humans do, and even though poodles are one of the smartest breed, they are still only animals.

6. What the activity meant to me?
Socializing and learning with others.

7. What was the value of the activity?
I do not even want to imagine a life with my dog if I had not gone to the training sessions. It was really helpful to get to ask the "experts" since they also had very good ways to basically teach anything! I believe my dog also enjoyed the sessions since in the end we usually went to the nearby woods and let the dogs run loose.

8. What did I learn? How might I apply what I have learned?
I learned many new things that can be applied in everyday life with my dog. Nowadays she always looks at me if I call her name and stops if I tell her "no". I have made a better contact with my dog and we have bonded so that I can basically read her mind.