1. What did I plan to do?
To play tennis.

2. What did I do?
Played tennis.

3. What were the outcomes, for me, the team I was working with, and others?
I have learned to be a better tennis player, and actually become very close with some of the people I play with.

4. How did I feel?
Exercising always feels great.

5. What did I perceive?
That tennis is mostly about technique, not the force or the speed.

6. What the activity meant to me?
It is one of the rare sports that I absolutely adore.

7. What was the value of the activity?
It keeps me fit and makes me excercise regularly which is a good thing.

8. What did I learn? How might I apply what I have learned?
This spring I have learned how to hit the ball harder, my technique has improved and I have learned to hit smashes the right way.