
Today was the last day for me since I am leaving tomorrow morning to go back to the city. I had lessons today as well and I learned a new technique how to ride faster. It is called the "pumping technique" in Finnish but I do not know its English version. How works is that when I am turning with my board, I am supposed to get up fast and stand straighter than usual which causes my legs to push against the ground, and when I am just riding downwards and not turning, I have to be low. It is extremely hard on my thighs because I have to go up and down all the time and keep my balance because if I fall with the speed I am riding right now, it is going to hurt very very very much. One of my biggest fears while I am riding with my snowboard is, of course, falling, which causes me to keep my weight down but since my thigh muscles are not strong enough, I look really funny because my butt is up and my torso is lower. I should really on work on that next year. I was also thinking about taking lessons next year and learn how to jump. Already today I jumped from some small bumps, and against all my expectations, I actually really enjoyed it!