2h 15min

We had many different improvisation exercises since this is what we had asked for from the teacher the previous time. Most of them followed the same pattern, the setting and characters were given but not decided who would be who. Then we had to improvise a play according to something we had decided on earlier. The exercises could differ in such ways as the number of people acting, whether people could come in the middle of the play and leave, a certain letter was not allowed to be said, the mood of the play etc. We also practiced smaller exercises in a circle such as "gifts". The idea in gifts is that the person before you gives you a gift, any kind, any size, any weight but all s/he can say is "here is a gift for you, you're welcome" and then you have to answer "thank you for this gift, it is ...". So you have to come up with the gift and then you have to show what you can do with the gift or how it looks like. And the game continues like that. For example, I got a very small gift which I decided to be a small ladybug that I fed to my imaginary lizard.