1. What did I plan to do?
I planned to continue my tennis hobby, attend a old dances course at the school, continue working for me and my friends' company, continue as a tutor and a math tutor, attend a dance course at the school, volunteer at a kindergarden, continue meetings with my Amnesty group, attend a golf course at the school and go snowboarding during Easter holiday.

2. What did I do?
Everything above except that the golf course was canceled since there was not enough people who wanted to attend. I remember taking my green card course at the school a few years back when almost everyone I knew wanted to sign up and eventually there was not even enough places for everyone.

3. What were the outcomes, for me, the team I was working with, and others?
I felt that absolutely everyone who was involved in the activities above or saw what we were doing benefited, for example with our UN's declaration of human rights event at the school.

4. How did I feel?
I felt really good about the things I had done.

5. What did I perceive?
Even if the outcome is small, it might be extremely important because everything must start from somewhere, and even the grass-root level matters. Thus, there is no effect that does not affect.

6. What the activity meant to me?
I love volunteering, I feel that human rights are important and that everyone should be granted such, I love playing tennis and dancing, so all the activities mean alot to me! I got to express myself, train myself and get to know others as well as myself better.

7. What was the value of the activity?
The activities have taught me that life is a school that never ends. There is not point in moaning over deadlines etc. but one must simply learn to find the delight in everything one does.

8. What did I learn? How might I apply what I have learned?
Many of the things that I do have taught me good leadership, cooperation skills and how to develop aspects in myself that are not as high as some other aspects. Most of the skills that I learned can be applied to everyday life, such as dancing which taught me a sense of rhythm.