1. What did I plan to do?
I planned to enjoy my CAS experiences, learn new things such as to play tennis again, and make new friends from my activities.

2. What did I do?
I started tennis as a regular hobby, founded an Amnesty International group to my school, became a tutor for new students in our school, had training lessons with my dog, founded a new company with my friends that is part of a Young Enterprise organization, started to tutor pre-ib's in math, had a sailing and photography course at my school and spent a day as a Living Book.

3. What were the outcomes, for me, the team I was working with, and others?
I learned much about myself, cooperation skills and made new friends. I love working in a team, which explains why the only individual sports that I like is tennis.

4. How did I feel?
I felt great!

5. What did I perceive?
Even though if something is boring, dull or difficult, in the end one will always look back smiling.

6. What the activity meant to me?
I like all the activities! I would love to do all of them regularly but I just do not have enough time. Especially trying new things is always exciting and fun, like sailing (though I must admit being a bit scared when I sailed for the first time).

7. What was the value of the activity?
Even though individual activities might seem unimportant or useless, it is the overall outcome that all the activities leave on me. They always have some value even if one does not realize it at the very moment of it. All the activities have taught me important things. Tennis is probably the most important for me in order to get regular excercise but dog training definitely has made my life easier with my puppy.

8. What did I learn? How might I apply what I have learned?
I have learned many new things and I believe that none of them is for waste. Most of the skills, such as taking artistic photographs or training my dog, can be used in everyday life.