1. What did I plan to do?
I planned to learn the basics of photography (again) by executing different projects that we chose to do during the course and also how to work in the darkroom.

2. What did I do?
I did what I planned to do though a bit behind schedule. My projects were: two advertisements, one edited picture of myself, a powerpoint presentation "My Helsinki", two pictures made into one and a fotogramm.

3. What were the outcomes, for me, the team I was working with, and others?
 The course was mainly independent work so we did not work much together but I got to know a few new people. All of the participants got beautiful pictures to remember!

4. How did I feel?
Sometimes I felt like in a deadlock since I am not such an active independent worker and there were so many different projects to choose from! Though I enjoyed the course very much.

5. What did I perceive?
Taking photos is sometimes very magical, it is about capturing the perfect moment when life is at its best.

6. What the activity meant to me?
Being more creative. Nowadays I almost never have time to draw, paint or take pictures just for fun. There is always homework to do, clubs to attend and all different kinds of school related things but this is what I really enjoyed having some time for myself.

7. What was the value of the activity?
It really lightened my school day and in a way, made my life easier. I got to relax, there was no need to think about homework when I had photography.

8. What did I learn? How might I apply what I have learned?
I learned how to take proper pictures and to use the different functions of a digital camera. I also learned how to work in the darkroom. I actually bought a new systems camera so right now I am working to be better with it. I enjoy very much taking pictures so I will probably volunteer to be the photographer in family events, friends' birthdays etc.